Michelle Brunner

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Isle de Fleurs Series

Releasing a new series this week on www.dresstheroom.com

Happy Sunday friends! Thanks again for stopping by. I always want to write these blog posts on Saturday but for some reason Sunday seems to be the day that I am able to sit down and write.

This weekend was my husband’s 40th birthday and we hung out all day yesterday at our local boat club. It is currently in the process of being built and my husband is on the building committee. So on his birthday he wanted to hang out there and work. It is fun for him and we had a gorgeous view of the frozen, snow-covered river. It was beautiful at least!

Isle De Fleurs Art Series

Today’s blog post is about a new series I am launching this Thursday February 11th on Dress The Room . The series of acrylic landscapes is called Isle De Fleurs. This is actually the first name Middle Bass Island was given in the 17th century by French missionaries. The island was covered with flowers , hence the name which means Island of Flowers.

Middle Bass Island is my second home during the summer months. Almost everything I paint is inspired by my time there. It is a little quiet island that is filled with summer cottages and lovely little gardens along the lake. My favorite place ever!

This series was inspired by the name given to the island and also these pictures that I have taken over the years on Middle Bass. So much natural beauty everywhere!

Wildflowers along the lake give Middle Bass Island the name “Isle de Fleurs.”

This photo is a photo I took awhile ago. This special floral area is actually washed away at this time but I know it will all grow back again soon. The lake is powerful for sure!

I believe as artists it is our job to showcase the beauty we see everywhere. I hope this series brings some joy and happiness into the world. As an artist I have realized this is my mission in life, to make the world a little more beautiful. I would love if you would check out my new series this week. Here are some of the paintings. More will be coming soon! Each painting will come framed in a hand-crafted white wood floater frame made by my super talented husband.

Isle de Fleurs 1

Isle de Fleurs 2

Isle de Fleurs 3

Isle de Fleurs series all framed up!

I hope you have a lovely week and I can’t wait to see you next week on the blog!